Proudly made in the USA 
A superior alternative to crimping or joining sleeve systems, splices repair broken wire fencing quickly and easily – without tools. These durable connectors leave your fence stronger than it was before it was broken. Splices can be used on both T-Post and Post fencing systems. Made from tough galvanized steel (Class 3 or above). Will not crack or rust, lowering fence repair costs and saving time. All TwistSplices are Conductive. Package of 10 is sold by the unit or in case lots of 6 
Item # Description Price Quantity Status
644108 12.5 Barbed $19.99
In Stock
644109 14 Barbed / 9 Smooth $19.99
In Stock
644110 15.5 Barbed / 10 Smooth $19.38
In Stock
644111 18 Barbed / 12.5 Smooth $19.80
In Stock
How it is Sold